The Texas Master Beekeeper Program (TMBP) is an educational program designed to increase the knowledge and skill level of participating beekeepers. The program is a five-year (minimum) beekeeper training and certification program provided by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service in association with the Texas Beekeepers Association. Anyone from the general public or beekeepers from the program may post under this section. To request a speaker at your school/event/zoom meeting please sign in real quick and create an ad under this section. Many beekeepers in the Texas Master Beekeeping Program are seeking Public Service Credits in order to advance in the program. Speaking at a Boy Scout Meeting, giving a presentation to non-beekeepers such as a school or event, and even volunteering time at the bee booth at The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo meet the program requirement. If you are seeking public service credits, please post an ad under this section expressing your wish to speak at an event near you. This is a place to share opinions about the program. To become part of the Texas Master Beekeeping Program or to join their email list, please follow the link below.
Texas Apiary Inspection Service
2475 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
(979) 845-0983